What People are Saying

“Jason Paone has achieved a breakthrough in the study of Aquinas’ biblical commentaries. Paone’s selections make crystal clear the power and richness of Aquinas’ theology of Christ and life in Christ. While opening up Aquinas’ biblical interpretation to a broad audience, this magnificent book constitutes a major step forward for Thomistic studies and for the task of learning to read the New Testament as it was meant to be read—namely, as the transformative revelation of divine wonders.”
—Matthew Levering, James N. Perry Jr. and Mary D. Perry Chair of Theology, Mundelein Seminary

“This unique Aquinas reader is the best introduction available to Thomas Aquinas as interpreter of Holy Scripture and as biblical theologian. The selection of texts is judicious, and the overall structure of a sapiential nature that deeply reflects the very heart of St. Thomas’ theological vision. Contrary to modern conventional wisdom, Scripture was the very soul of medieval theology, and Thomas’ Scripture commentaries display this fact in an exemplary manner—such that they indeed become a salutary incentive and invitation for contemporary Catholic theology. This volume is to be most warmly welcomed and should find its way into the hands of avid Catholic Scripture readers, seminarians, priests, and also bishops.”
—Reinhard Hütter, Professor of Fundamental and Dogmatic Theology, The Catholic University of America, Member of the Pontifical Academy of St. Thomas Aquinas and the International Theological Commission.

“Thomas Aquinas affirms in his great work the Summa theologiae that theological truth derives from Scripture, as read and interpreted within the tradition of the Catholic Church. What some may not realize is that Aquinas also wrote copious commentaries on Scripture and sought, in doing so, to indicate the revealed truth of Christianity and to interpret the mysteries of the Christian faith with wonderful insight and vivid religious devotion. This volume brings together many of the key passages from Aquinas’ scriptural commentaries that have to do with fundamental truths of the faith: the Incarnation, the humanity of Christ, his redemptive death, the mystery of the Eucharist, and the Christian life of grace. This work introduces one directly to Aquinas’ theological genius and characteristic sanctity. It does so while opening Scripture so that, with Aquinas’ help, we can better see what is contained therein and revealed by God.”
—Thomas Joseph White, OP, Rector of the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas

“Reader, in this volume, be prepared to meet a Thomas Aquinas whom we have too often overlooked: a student sitting at the feet of the Evangelists and Apostles, bending his mind to the Gospels and Letters on the most foundational Christian doctrines. Like a master papier-mâché artist, his commentaries fill out the selected passages, drawing out their contours and maintaining their peculiar symmetry, while also giving us new ways to understand them. Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ, says St. Jerome, and ignorance of his scriptural commentaries is ignorance of St. Thomas.”
—Chris Baglow, Director of the Science and Religion Initiative at the McGrath Institute for Church Life of the University of Notre Dame