What People are Saying
“This book is a tremendous resource for those who find themselves questioning whether Catholicism is still worth practicing today, as well as for those struggling to help loved ones rediscover the truth and beauty of the faith. Identifying ten major difficulties experienced by Catholics who have left the Church or who are contemplating doing so, Levering and Dauphinais invite readers to give the Bible a chance to illuminate the most challenging questions that they have about the Church. In so doing, the authors compellingly show that the Catholic faith and the wisdom of Scripture are as necessary for our lives today as ever.”
—Matthew Ramage, Associate Professor of Theology, Benedictine College
“Dauphinais and Levering have already co-authored/co-edited several fine books on Scripture, Aquinas, and other topics, and The Wisdom of the Word continues their exceptional partnership. This is a clear, robust, and deeply learned work that engages with fundamental questions with both clarity and charity. In taking Sacred Scripture so seriously, they are able to offer serious and compelling answers to a wide range of readers. Highly recommended.”
—Carl E. Olson, Editor, Catholic World Report
“Two remarkably gifted theologians tackle the ten most pressing questions causing Catholics to lose their faith today, and they do so by turning to . . . the Bible! How refreshing! In an age that is always quoting pundits, self-proclaimed ‘experts,’ YouTube personalities, and the like, Dauphinais and Levering show that the answers to life’s big questions are actually in the obvious but overlooked source: God’s Word.”
—John Bergsma, Professor of Theology, Franciscan University