What People are Saying

“DeClue’s survey of Benedict’s thought and legacy is truly exceptional. The most comprehensive accessible overview of this beloved pope’s theology available, it will lead a wide range of readers toward a deeper appreciation of Benedict’s incomparable brilliance and enduring relevance.”
— Matthew Ramage, Professor of Theology and Co-director of the Center for Integral Ecology at Benedictine College

“Unlike many other books on the theology of Pope Benedict, this work seeks to piece together the many occasional publications and public addresses of Ratzinger / Benedict XVI into a more systematic framework. It will be of great value to theology students as well as being accessible to a general readership. The early sections of the work on Ratzinger’s Bavarian childhood are the best accounts of this period of his life I have read.”
— Tracey Rowland, St. John Paul II Chair of Theology, University of Notre Dame (Australia)

“This book is a wonderful introduction to the theology of Joseph Ratzinger that is both accessible to anyone interested in his thought and a great addition to any serious student of Ratzinger’s theology. It will be an excellent overview for anyone who wants to study and to understand the thought of this theological giant. DeClue is able to highlight the notion of communion as the consistent note that brings unity and harmony to Ratzinger’s theological symphony, which consists of movements made up of fundamental theology, dogmatics, liturgy, and moral theology.”
— Roland Millare, Vice President of Curriculum and Director of Clergy Initiatives for the St. John Paul II Foundation, author of A Living Sacrifice: Liturgy and Eschatology in Joseph Ratzinger