What People are Saying

"With careful attention to man’s design in the image of God (imago Dei), Andrew Youngblood has defended the principles of classical Catholic education to parents, teachers, and truth-seekers alike.”
—Archbishop Bashar Matti Warda, CSsR, Chaldean Archbishop of Erbil (Iraq)

“Youngblood not only articulates a strong case for the classical renewal movement, but does so in a Christ-centered manner I've rarely seen even in Christian discussions of education, which are often distracted by, and settle for, merely political or cultural goals. I recommend Know Thyself to anyone who wants to conduct classical education in a way that honors Christ.”
—Jeremy Tate, President and Co-Founder, Classic Learning Test (CLT)

“Know Thyself does a beautiful job at calling us all back to the Church’s true vision for education, and showing how the wisdom of the ages makes this high calling not only possible but a fascinating adventure.”
—Michael Van Hecke, President and Founder, Institute for Catholic Liberal Education

“What is the purpose of education? Andrew Youngblood answers with his experience, expertise, and beautiful prose, explaining what we should know but have forgotten. Whether you are a parent, student, or teacher, this will clarify what Catholic classical education is and why it matters.”
—Nancy Carpentier Brown, author of The Woman Who Was Chesterton