What People are Saying

“I Came to Cast Fire is a comprehensive yet short and accessible introduction to the world of René Girard, casting a new light on the wise sage whose recognition is growing with each year. Every page reflects not only Girard’s genius, but also the learned, wise, and eloquent author behind the book, Fr. Elias Carr. Perhaps most importantly for reaching a general audience, I Came to Cast Fire is, above all, an enjoyable read.”
— Cynthia L. Haven, National Endowment for the Humanities Public Scholar and author of Evolution of Desire: A Life of René Girard

“Fr. Elias Carr has produced an engaging introduction to the life and thought of René Girard. Through anecdotes and practical examples, he makes Girard’s work accessible to newcomers and provides fresh insights for those already familiar with this towering intellect. As Fr. Elias reminds us, René Girard’s work is a timely interpretive key to understanding human history, the challenges of today’s culture, and our need for conversion to Christ.”
— Bishop Robert J. McClory, Diocese of Gary

“With I Came to Cast Fire, Fr. Elias Carr announces himself as one of the premier communicators of René Girard’s mimetic theory. Fr. Elias provides everything one looks for in an introduction: clarity, precision, brevity, breadth, and accuracy. He manages to guide the reader on a patient and succinct tour through Girard’s thought and its relationship to the Gospel, one that never feels rushed or careless. Fr. Elias even provides personal anecdotes that show how mimetic theory has helped him make sense of his life and priestly vocation. I highly recommend this book for anyone eager to learn what René Girard’s work has to do with their faith and their life.”
— Grant Kaplan, Professor of Systematic and Historical Theology, Saint Louis University

“In the writings of René Girard, the French genius, we find a dithyrambic deluge of chthonic thought and ouranic ecstasy. In I Came to Cast Fire, Dom Elias Carr channels the torrent into a drink-size portion for twenty-first-century Anglophones. Well done, Father!”
— Bishop Kurt Burnette, Eparch of Passaic

“I Came to Cast Fire is much more than an introduction to René Girard’s mimetic theory. It provides a personal, engaging, and insightful theological interpretation of mimetic desire and scapegoating, especially within modernity. Fr. Elias highlights, in an accessible and energetic manner, the relevance of Girard’s insights for fundamental questions of human life and the proclamation of the Gospel. Rather than ‘fade away,’ as Fr. Elias suggests about himself after introducing Girard, I hope that this is only the beginning, and that we can look forward to further reflections on Christian humanism and the connections between the human sciences and Catholic theology.”
— Clemens Cavallin, Professor of Christianity, Religion, Philosophies of Life, and Ethics, NLA University College (Bergen, Norway)