What People are Saying

“I love Here I Am! It’s an excellent introduction for children to the truth that the body is not something we have, but something we are as incarnate persons made in the image of God. And Anna Abramskaya’s colorful and vivid illustrations are the perfect complement to the simple, yet profound truths Abigail Favale expresses so well for the minds and hearts of little ones.”
— Christopher West, Th.D, President, Theology of the Body Institute

“The psalmist sings that we are ‘wonderfully made’: the human person as the crowning work of God’s creation, our bodies as integral to our personhood as our souls. At a time when gender ideology has introduced enormous confusion about sexual identity and about the integrity of our body-soul unity, Abigail Favale has written a book for children (and their parents!) which is accessible, formative, and faithful to Catholic anthropology.”
— Most Reverend Kevin C. Rhoades, Bishop of Fort Wayne-South Bend

“I'm so glad to share this book with my daughters. I want them to see their bodies first and foremost as God's gift to them, so that they will always love what He loved into being.”
— Leah Libresco Sargeant, Author of Building the Benedict Option

“Here I Am is a beautiful resource for teaching little ones about the importance of their unique physical bodies. Abigail Favale’s words and Anna Abramskaya’s stunning illustrations come together to create a book that I can’t wait to share with my own kids. Bodies are worth celebrating—and so is this delightful book!”
— Claire Swinarski, Author of Girl, Arise!