What People are Saying

“Evangelization and Ideology offers us invaluable assistance as we seek to fulfill the mandate entrusted to each of us in Baptism and Confirmation: to witness to the reality of the Gospel in our sadly deluded world, which too often is like a house of mirrors in which illusion seems to have triumphed over reality. The spiritually and intellectually fruitful insights of this book allow us to understand the society in which, by the providence of God, we are called and sent to witness to Christ, and they help us to communicate effectively the reality of the Good News in an environment distorted by deadly illusion.”
— Cardinal Thomas Collins, Archbishop of Toronto, from the foreword

“Where the confused and fainthearted see danger, Matthew Petrusek sees opportunity. Many modern Christians have sought to stay above the increasingly tempestuous political fray, but Petrusek dives deep into our most contentious public battles to expose the ultimate incoherence that unites so many of the belligerents. In so doing, he offers an alternative that is not only edifying but sanctifying. Evangelization and Ideology is an urgent antidote to political chaos.”
— Michael J. Knowles, author and host of The Michael Knowles Show at The Daily Wire and The Book Club at PragerU