What People are Saying
“Peter Kreeft is a most gifted theologian, but more importantly, he is a man of faith. With this latest book of reflections on the Scripture readings for Mass, he is sharing with us the lights born of a life of prayer and faithful discipleship. It is truly an expression of what Hans Urs von Balthasar called kniende Theologie, ‘theology on the knees.’ In addition to the solid content, Peter Kreeft’s artfully expressed thought never fails to inspire.”
—Cardinal Seán O’Malley, Archbishop of Boston
“Peter Kreeft has no equal with respect to making the deepest truths shine forth with aphoristic brilliance. He is the perfect person to place in the pulpit. Kreeft on the readings for Mass is a match made in heaven.”
—Joseph Pearce, Editor of the St. Austin Review and author of Wisdom and Innocence: A Life of G.K. Chesterton
“Reading this series is like joining the masterful Peter Kreeft for coffee after Mass to talk about the readings. It’s a wonderful resource that Catholics can pick up and return to again and again throughout the liturgical year, full of wisdom from one of the top guiding lights of our era in the Catholic world.”
—Dr. Edward Sri, theologian and author of A Biblical Walk through the Mass
“Unfortunately, we have written records of only seven of C.S. Lewis’ sermons. But thank God we now have dozens of reflections from Peter Kreeft, the modern C.S. Lewis, based on the Mass readings throughout the liturgical year. Kreeft’s decades of reading Scripture, teaching students, and loving wisdom shine forth in this compendium, which deserves wide readership by priests and laypeople alike. With his characteristic wit and wisdom, Kreeft offers an invaluable resource in understanding the Scriptures proclaimed in the liturgy. I hope Kreeft’s book finds its way into the hands of every Catholic eager to better understand the readings of Sunday Mass.”
—Christopher Kaczor, Professor of Philosophy, Loyola Marymount University, and Fellow of the Word on Fire Institute