Daniel Kuebler
Dr. Daniel Kuebler is a professor of biology at Franciscan University in Steubenville, Ohio, where he teaches courses on evolution, cell physiology, and science and faith. He holds a BA in English, an MS in Biology from the Catholic University of America, and a PhD in Molecular and Cell Biology from the University of California, Berkeley. His scientific research involves studying the properties of adult stem cells isolated from human bone marrow, adipose, and placental tissue. He is the Vice-President of the Society of Catholic Scientists, an international society of Catholic PhD-level scientists with over two thousand members. He is also on the board of the Spitzer-Magis Center, which explores the intersection of science, reason, and faith, and provides materials for high-school students on these topics. Dan is the co-author of The Evolution Controversy: A Survey of Competing Theories (Baker Academic, 2007) and has written both academic and popular articles on issues related to science, religion, and ethics. His work has appeared in Our Sunday Visitor, Aleteia, First Things, Evangelization & Culture, and the McGrath Journal for Church Life. He has six kids, and resides with his wife, Nellie, in Steubenville, Ohio.